The birthday girl-Terita and Me =] Well.It's 7th and we plan to celebrate my friend Terita's birthday which is at 8th.
So we are going to KK BOX to celebrate her birthday^^
We arrive there like 7.30pm.
The first thing we do is faster take the plates and catching the foods XD
Cause we are waiting for the meal from morning.So hella hungry!LOL~
Well.We finished the meal XD
It's the MESS!LOL~
After that.We just singing nonstop.But the room we in is really sucks!The monitor is always appear problems. =_=" Remember!That's ROOM 11^^.Then 12am is coming.And the waiters there take the birthday cake that we prepare go in the room.And we singing birthday's song to Terita.By the way.The situation is a bit auckward.HAHA!But we are happy to be honest^^
Vanessa and Me (She's Terita's sister^^ plus my housemate :D)
Pearl And Me
C.K Chung and Me (He's my roomate =_=") XD
Jason and Me (He's my Sister's Boyfriend^^)
Lycann and Me (He's my Cousin plus roomate =])
Ah Man and Me(My Housemate =])
Lycann,Jason,Wei Wei(my sister) and Me :D
The we just taking photos with terita.For sure i have catch the chance to taking pics with my housemates too^^So that night is a bit hyper and my voice is totally broke after singing the 6 hours XD
Anyway.Hope Terita is happy and wish that her dreams will come true =]
Happy Birthday!