Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Mhm..........Well.Friends are really important in life.And good friends are really hard to find.True friends will always by your side nomatter what.They will calm you when you are sad.They will share their happiness with you.They will try to protect you when you get hurt.And they will kick your ass when you being stupid XD.So friends are the best human to sharing anything with =] Once you think the person is your true friends then don't easily let him or her go.Cause you know if you lose them then maybe there's no another that you can called"TRUE FRIEND"So appreciate anyone beside you right now.But sometimes for sure will having argue or fight between friends.And that can be like in good way.For example.Maybe jealous about they got other friends and ignore you.Actually that mean you are care about them.Or i can say like this:Friends are our second relationship partner^^

Well.Let's get on the main point.There's something wrong happened between me and my friends.And that's definitely a mistake.We misundertood each other.And that make us being strange for a while.It's a horrible situation.And i'm sorry for that i didn't trust my friend.I think she get hurt.And really sorry about it. :'[ But finally.everything get fixed.And we being like before again.Always being stupid.But to be honest.I still feel that there's a lil bit strange feelings between us.I don't want to think that much.At least we are happy now.I LOVE YOU ALL.Silly girls :) AW~now i'm missing my bestfriends and singapore though :'[ Hope that we can meet soon.So the conclusion is-WYCY are the best :P Hope you can get what's that mean XD