Monday, June 15, 2009


I joined a camp yesterday.And i learn so much from the camp.Let me know that people is useful since born.And there's no shortcut for us to get success.We have to work hard and being confidence to ourselves then you can make things better.Don't always think in the bad way.For sure there's two ways for the situation or a thing.But if you keep thinking about the bad way then you will never success and happy.Everything you must think it's good way nomatter how worst is it.I know it's hard.And i don't even trust myself will be the one like that but i will try my best to make it.And really thanks to yoanne's mother to give me the chance to joined this camp.I do enjoy it =] I really learned so much.And if somebody tell you that"YOU WONT BE SUCCESS!" or anything try to hurt you.And don't try to give up or sad.Just tell them"THANK YOU,I TRUST THAT I WILL BE MORE GREAT." :)
And the other thing about me and him.I think we are okay right now.^^ And i will back to Sandakan at July.So i will do his hair XD HAHAHAH~I'm not that pro to be honest~but he has to be the fisrt white mouse for me LOL~But i promised that i will make it good~If not he will going to cry in the corner i think~LMAO~By the way.I really miss him.Hope that the day back to sandakan will coming as fast as it can~:P